Thursday, January 15, 2009

Printing: Better Than the Internet Since 1947

  "Large plants employ persons, usually women, who do nothing but proofread."

Eh, ladies? You looking for that hot new job to get you through the recession? This video ( found by way of Quipsologies, which you should all check out) is ten minutes of solid retro gold. It's only ten minutes out of your life to watch it and learn from it. It's just a shame that this wonderful medium is being watered down because of the impersonal, distant, free internet. Curse you Internet! Cuuuuurse yooooou

Now, commenters, let's discuss down below what we've learned about sexism....I mean printing. 


Stefanie Pepping said...

This is amazing! Where did you find this, Command Z?

Command Z said...

Well I spent hours upon hours of scouring the internet. Then, when I was done looking up stats for fantasy basketball, I found this video linked from Quipsologies.

Post updated to credit source.